Research Pedia


Accepted Scientific Research papers will be available in Digital Scientific Researchpedia . Making our members and subscribers get into the perfect scientific database to browse, refer and site the needed bibliography is the role of Researchpedia .

Researchpedia is centralized scientific article database governance by ISERS for citation of unique research articles.

Scientific Gallery

The Scientific Researchers Gallery will have the recent conference albums, Videos, Presentations, keynote speakers, excellent papers and our associates. We eagerly welcome all the research papers in the field of environmental engineering and sustainability, climate change, ecosystems, and disaster management that come to us through each and every, submissions, presentations and research papers with keen exploration and then come out with the best one.

We also aim at providing the best and life time experience ever to both the presenters and listeners. We cover all the technology in industry and labs and also analyze the solutions that our researchers come out with. We also believe in rewarding the best and hence we always felicitate the best among the best. We give full exposure to the unique solutions and innovations that our presenters come out with and also strive towards exposing them to the world.