
Keladi Cendik (Alocasia longiloba Miq.) is a plant traditionally used to treat various skin disorders, including wounds. The plant is widely distributed in Peninsular Malysia and grows as a weed in the shady places. The folks especially the Malay community uses the epidermis of plant in curing the wound (skin-cut) and stops the bleeding. Our preliminary study showed the promising effects of ethanol petiole extracts on wound healing in Sprague-dawley rats. Our studies also demonstrated the presence of potential coagulant compounds in this plant. Thus, extracts from A. longiloba has been used to make different wound healing products (Spray, Gel and Band) which were named as HANDY-Z PRODUCTS.

Keywords: Wound healing, Sprague-dawley rat, Alocasia longiloba petiole extract, pharmaceutical industries.