
Today‟s world is at the crossroads of a contradictory energy scenario wherein, on the one hand, energy access has to be provided to billions while, on the other hand, increasing demand and usage of energy is causing catastrophic climate change. As per IPCC report 2018, world is already hotter by nearly 1°C and that “limiting global warming to 1.5°C would require “rapid and far-reaching” transition in energy. In this context, mitigating climate change is one of the major global concerns of the 21st century. Increasing energy consumption and dependence on conventional fuels is the primary challenge to limit global warming. The world needs to switch towards green energy sources and utilize energy efficiently for sustainability of energy to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. In this context, the Gandhian principle “Not mass production but production by the masses" is required for energy sustainability and to address United Nation Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Based on this principle IIT Bombay has been implementing Solar Urja through Localization for Sustainability (SoULS) program for socioeconomic and environmental benefits through clean, affordable, reliable and complete energy access built on the foundation of localization. Local people are getting trained to own, manage, and operate solar enterprises at every level including assembly, sale, after-sales service, and manufacturing to create solar energy ecosystem by local for local.Access to affordable innovative technologies for clean environment, local skill development, entrepreneurship, and job creation were observed in remote rural areas after the implementation of the SoULS program. This paper shows the localization approach for the deployment of renewable energy technologies has the potential to bring economic, social, and environmental benefits in rural areas.