
Public spaces provide facilities for people to carry out personal or groups activities. Malang city center is a place for community activities with different intensity in each place. The existing condition of Malang city centre shows a mismatch with the ideal conditions of a comfortable public open space. The empty spaces that are not utilized, inappropriate sidewalk, and supporting facilities that do not meet the requirements also the limited place of activity convenient for the urban community are some indications of the gap in the ideal condition of a public open space beside the problem of open space public quality in downtown area in supporting the community activities. This study employs qualitative approach and ergonomics. The data collection on physical and nonphysical conditions is followed by data processing then is analysed based on related theories followed by concluding the results of the analysis and producing recommendations in the form of design directions. The results obtained: first, differences in quality between sub-regions, both physical quality and nonphysical quality; second, the linear sub-region has better quality than the square type sub-region; third, from the side of responsive aspect, sub-regions with mixed functions have more quality than subregions with a single function; fourth, from democratic aspects, subregions with shady vegetation and diverse functions have better quality. Therefore, the further recommendation is instructions of structuring public open spaces that utilize all sub-regions as a place of activity for people living in the centre of Malang.

Keywords: Utilization quality, public space, Malang city.